Vol. 22, No. 2           December 2003


Title and Author(s) Page
item Conley Index Continuation for Singularly Perturbed Hyperbolic Equations
K. P. Rybakowski
ABSTRACT. Let $\Omega\subset \R^N$, $N\le 3$, be a bounded domain with smooth boundary, $\gamma\in L^2(\Omega)$ be arbitrary and $\phi\co \R\to \R$ be a $C^1$-function satisfying a subcritical growth condition. For every $\eps\in\oi0,\infty..$ consider the semiflow $\pi_\eps$ on $H^1_0(\Omega)\times L^2(\Omega)$ generated by the damped wave equation
\eps \partial_{tt}u+\partial_t u&\,=\Delta u+\phi(u)+\gamma(x) &\quad& x\in\Omega,&\ &t>0,
u(x,t)&\,=0&\quad& x\in \partial \Omega,&\ &t>0.
Moreover, let $\pi'$ be the semiflow on $H^1_0(\Omega)$ generated by the parabolic equation
\partial_t u&\,=\Delta u+\phi(u)+\gamma(x) &\quad& x\in\Omega,&\ &t>0,
u(x,t)&\,=0&\quad& x\in \partial \Omega,&\ &t>0.
Let $\Gamma\co H^2(\Omega)\to H^1_0(\Omega)\times L^2(\Omega)$ be the imbedding $u\mapsto (u,\Delta u+\phi(u)+\gamma)$. We prove in this paper that every compact isolated $\pi'$-invariant set $K'$ lies in $H^2(\Omega)$ and the imbedded set $K_0=\Gamma(K')$ continues to a family $K_\eps$, $\eps\ge0$ small, of isolated $\pi_\eps$-invariant sets having the same Conley index as $K'$. This family is upper-semicontinuous at $\eps=0$. Moreover, any (partially ordered) Morse-decomposition of $K'$, imbedded into $H^1_0(\Omega)\times L^2(\Omega)$ via $\Gamma$, continues to a family of Morse decompositions of $K_\eps$, for $\eps\ge 0$ small. This family is again upper-semicontinuous at $\eps=0$.

These results extend and refine some upper semicontinuity results for attractors obtained previously by Hale and Raugel.

item Periodic Solutions of a Class of Integral Equations
S. Kang, G. Zhang and S. S. Cheng
ABSTRACT. Based on the fixed point index theory for a Banach space, nontrivial periodic solutions are found for a class of integral equation of the form
\phi (x)=\int_{[x,x+\omega ]\cap \Omega }K(x,y)f(y,\phi (y-\tau (y)))\,dy, \quad x\in \Omega ,
where $\Omega $ is a closed subset of $\R^{N}$ with perioidc structure.
item Some Remarks on Degree Theory for SO(2)-Equivariant Transversal Maps
N. Hirano and S. Rybicki
ABSTRACT. The aim of this article is to introduce a new class $\sone$-equivariant transversal maps $\TR$ and to define degree theory for such maps. We define degree for $\sone$-equivariant transversal maps and prove some properties of this invariant. Moreover, we characterize $\sone$-equivariant transversal isomorphisms and derive formula for degree of such isomorphisms.
item Existence and Multiplicity Results for Wave Equations with Time-Independent Nonlinearity
J. Berkovits, H. Leinfelder and V. Mustonen
ABSTRACT. We shall study the existence of time-periodic solutions for a semilinear wave equation with a given time-independent nonlinear perturbation and small forcing. Since the distribution of eigenvalues of the linear part varies with the period, the solvability of the problem depends essentially on the frequency. The main idea of this paper is to consider the situation where the period is not prescribed and hence treated as a parameter. The description of the distribution of eigenvalues as a function of the period enables us to show that under certain conditions the interaction between the nonlinearity and the spectrum of the wave operator induces multiple solutions. Our basic new result states that the autonomous equation admits at least two nontrivial solutions (free vibrations) for a restricted (but infinite) set of periods such that the nonlinearity interacts with one simple eigenvalue. As a corollary we prove that the semilinear wave equation with time-independent nonlinearity and small forcing admits an infinite sequence of pairs of periodic solutions with corresponding period tending to zero. The results are obtained via generalized topological degree theory.
item Forced Singular Oscillators and the Method of Lower and Upper Solutions
D. Bonheure and C. De Coster
ABSTRACT. In this note, we study the existence of positive periodic solutions of the second order differential equation
where $f(t,\,\cdot\,)$ has a singularity of repulsive type at the origin. We use the method of lower and upper solutions.
item Impulsive Hyperbolic Differential Inclusions with Variable Times
M. Benchohra, L. Górniewicz, S. K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab
ABSTRACT. In this paper the nonlinear alternative of Leray--Schauder type is used to investigate the existence of solutions for second order impulsive hyperbolic differential inclusions with variable times.
item Completely Squashable Smooth Ergodic Cocycles over Irrational Rotations
D. Volny
ABSTRACT. Let $\alpha$ be an irrational number and the trasformation
Tx \mapsto x+\alpha \bmod 1, \quad x\in [0,1),
represent an irrational rotation of the unit circle. We construct an ergodic and completely squashable smooth real extension, i.e\. we find a real analytic or $k$ time continuously differentiable real function $F$ such that for every $\lambda\neq 0$ there exists a commutor $S_\lambda$ of $T$ such that $F\circ S_\lambda$ is $T$-cohomologous to $\lambda\,\v$ and the skew product $T_F(x,y) = (Tx, y+F(x))$ is ergodic.
item Nonlinear Submeans on Semigroups
A. To-Ming Lau and W. Takahashi
ABSTRACT. The purpose of this paper is to study some algebraic structure of submeans on certain spaces $X$ of bounded real valued functions on a semigroup and to find local conditions on $X$ in terms of submean for the existence of a left invariant mean.
item Multiple Solutions of Compact $H$-Surfaces in Euclidean Space
Y. Ge and F. Zhou
ABSTRACT. We prove here the multiplicity results for the solutions of compact $H$-surfaces in Euclidean space. Some minimax methods and topological arguments are used for the existence of such solutions in multiply connected domains.
item On a Multivalued Version of the Sharkovskii Theorem and its Application to Differential Inclusions, III
J. Andres and K. Pastor
ABSTRACT. An extension of the celebrated Sharkovski{\u\i} cycle coexisting theorem (see [14]) is given for (strongly) admissible multivalued self-maps in the sense of [8], on a Cartesian product of linear continua. Vectors of admissible self-maps have a triangular structure as in [10]. Thus, we make a joint generalization of the results in [2], [5], [6] (a multivalued case), in [10] (a multidimensional case), and in [15] (a linear continuum case). The obtained results can be applied, unlike in the single-valued case, to differential equations and inclusions.
item Combinatorial Lemmas for Nonoriented Pseudomanifolds
A. Idzik and K. Junosza-Szaniawski
ABSTRACT. Sperner lemma type theorems are proved for nonoriented primoids and pseudomanifolds. A rank function of a primoid is defined. Applications of these theorems to the geometric simplex are given. Also Knaster--Kuratowski--Mazurkiewicz type theorems on covering of the geometric simplex are presented.
item Periodic Points of Multi-Valued $\varepsilon $-Contractive Maps
S. B. Nadler Jr.
ABSTRACT. Let $(X,d)$ be a nonempty metric space, and let $(2^{X},H_{d})$ be the hyperspace of all nonempty compact subsets of $X$ with the Hausdorff metric. Let $F\colon X\rightarrow 2^{X}$ be an $\varepsilon$-contractive map. A general condition is given that guarantees the existence of a periodic point of $F$ (the theorem extends a result of Edelstein to multi-valued maps). The condition holds when $X$ is compact; hence, $F$ has a periodic point when $X$ is compact. It is shown that $F$ has a fixed point (a point $p\in F(p)$) if $X$ is a continuum. Applications to single-valued $\varepsilon$-expansive maps are given.

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