Vol. 22, No. 1           September 2003


Title and Author(s) Page
item A Note on Additional Properties of Sign Changing Solutions to Superlinear Elliptic Equations
T. Bartsch and T. Weth
ABSTRACT. We obtain upper bounds for the number of nodal domains of sign changing solutions of semilinear elliptic Dirichlet problems using suitable min-max descriptions. These are consequences of a generalization of Courant's nodal domain theorem. The solutions need not to be isolated. We also obtain information on the Morse index of solutions and the location of sub- and supersolutions.
item Morse Decompositions in the Absence of Uniqueness, II
M. C. Carbinatto and K. P. Rybakowski
ABSTRACT. This paper is a sequel to our previous work [CR]. We first extend the concept of T-Morse decompositions to the partially ordered case and prove a generalization of a result by Franzosa and Mischaikow characterizing partially ordered T-Morse decompositions by the so-called T-attractor semifiltrations. Then we extend the (regular) continuation result for Morse decompositions from [CR] to the partially ordered case. We also define singular convergence of families of ``solution'' sets in the spirit of our previous paper [CR1] and prove various singular continuation results for attractor-repeller pairs and Morse decompositions. We give a few applications of our results, e.g. to thin domain problems. The results of this paper are a main ingredient in the proof of regular and singular continuation results for the homology braid and the connection matrix in infinite dimensional Conley index theory. These topics are considered in the forthcoming publications [CR5] and [CR6].
item A Multiplicity Result for a Degenerate Elliptic Equation with Critical Growth on Noncontractible Domains
E. Garagnani and F. Uguzzoni
ABSTRACT. In this paper we consider the semilinear problem with critical growth in the Heisenberg group
and we provide a multiplicity existence result involving Lusternik-Schnirelmann category.
item Mountain Pass Solutions and an Indefinite Superlinear Elliptic Problem on RN
Y. Du and Y. Guo
ABSTRACT. We consider the elliptic problem
-\Delta u-\lambda u=a(x) g(u)
with a(x) sign-changing and g(u) behaving like up, p > 1. Under suitable conditions on g(u) and a(x), we extend the multiplicity, existence and nonexistence results known to hold for this equation on a bounded domain (with standard homogeneous boundary conditions) to the case that the bounded domain is replaced by the entire space RN. More precisely, we show that there exists \Lambda > 0 such that this equation on RN has no positive solution for \Lambda > \lambda, at least two positive solutions for \lambda\in (0,\Lambda) and at least one positive solution for \lambda\in (-\infty,0]\cup\{\Lambda\}

Our approach is based on some descriptions of mountain pass solutions of semilinear elliptic problems on bounded domains obtained by a special version of the mountain pass theorem. These results are of independent interests.

item A Three Critical Points Theorem and its Applications to the Ordinary Dirichlet Problem
D. Averna and G. Bonanno
ABSTRACT. The aim of this paper is twofold. On one hand we establish a three critical points theorem for functionals depending on a real parameter \lambda \in \Lambda, which is different from the one proved by B. Ricceri in [15] and gives an estimate of where \Lambda can be located. On the other hand, as an application of the previous result, we prove an existence theorem of three classical solutions for a two-point boundary value problem which is independent from the one by J. Henderson and H. B. Thompson ([10]). Specifically, an example is given where the key assumption of [10] fails. Nevertheless, the existence of three solutions can still be deduced using our theorem.
item Removing Coincidences of Maps Between Manifolds of Different Dimensions
P. Saveliev
ABSTRACT. We consider sufficient conditions of local removability of coincidences of maps f,g\colon N\rightarrow M where M, N are manifolds with dimensions \dim N\geq\dim M The coincidence index is the only obstruction to the removability for maps with fibers either acyclic or homeomorphic to spheres of certain dimensions. We also address the normalization property of the index and coincidence-producing maps.
item On Detecting of Chaotic Dynamics via Isolating Chains
L. Pieniazek
ABSTRACT. We show in the paper the method of isolating chains in proof of chaotic dynamics. It is based on the earlier notion of an isolating segment but gives more powerful tool for exploring dynamics of periodic ODE's. As an application we show that the processes generated by the equations in the complex plane
\dot{z} = {\overline z}^k + e^{i\phi t} {\overline z}
where k\geq 3 is an odd number and \phi is close to 0, has chaotic behaviour.
item A Deformation Theorem and Some Critical Point Results for Non-Differentiable Functions
S. A. Marano and D. Motreanu
ABSTRACT. A deformation lemma for functionals which are the sum of a locally Lipschitz continuous function and of a concave, proper and upper semicontinuous function is established. Some critical point theorems are then deduced and an application to a class of elliptic variational-hemivariational inequalities is presented.
item Fixed Point Indices of Iterations of Planar Homeomorphisms
G. Graff and P. Nowak-Przygodzki
ABSTRACT. Let f be a local planar homeomorphism with an isolated fixed point at 0. We study the form of the sequence
where ind(f,0) is a fixed point index at 0.
item Periodic Solutions of Lagrange Equations
A. Nowakowski and A. Rogowski
ABSTRACT. Nontrivial periodic solutions of Lagrange Equations are investigated. Sublinear and superlinear nonlinearity are included. Convexity assumptions are significiently relaxed. The method used is the duality developed by the authors.
item An Extension of Krasnosel'skii's Fixed Point Theorem for Contractions and Compact Mappings
G. L. Karakostas
ABSTRACT. Let X be a Banach space, Y a metric space, A\subseteq X, C\colon A\to Y a compact operator and T an operator defined at least on the set A\times C(A) with values in X. By assuming that the family {T( . ,y): y \in C(A)} is equicontractive we present two fixed point theorems for the operator of the form Ex := T(x,C(x)). Our results extend the well known Krasnosel'skii's fixed point theorem for contractions and compact mappings. The results are used to prove the existence of (global) solutions of integral and integrodifferential equations.
item Fixed Point Theory and Generalized Leray-Schauder Alternatives for Approximable Maps in Topological Vector Spaces
R. P. Agarwal, D. O'Regan and R. Precup
ABSTRACT. Some new fixed point theorems for approximable maps are obtained in this paper. Homotopy results, via essential maps, are also presented for approximable maps.

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