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Vol. 20, No. 1           September 2002


Title and Author(s) Page
item A Strongly Nonlinear Neumann Problem at Resonance with Restrictions on the Nonlinearity just in One Direction
J. Mawhin and D. Ruiz
ABSTRACT. Using topological degree techniques, we state and prove new sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution of the Neumann boundary value problem
(|x'|^{p-2} x')' +f(t, x)+ h(t, x) =0,x'(0) = x'(1)=0,
when h is bounded, f satisfies a one-sided growth condition, f + h some sign condition, and the solutions of some associated homogeneous problem are not oscillatory. A generalization of Lyapunov inequality is proved for a p-Laplacian equation. Similar results are given for the periodic problem.
item Stationary States for Discrete Dynamical Systems in the Plane
J. Aarao and M. Martelli
ABSTRACT. The existence of a fixed point for maps of the form Identity + Contraction acting on R2 is established under quite general conditions. A counterexample is given in R3.
item Configuration Spaces on Punctured Manifolds
E. Fadell and S. Husseini
ABSTRACT. The object here is to study the following question in the homotopy theory of configuration spaces of a general manifold M: When is the fibration
F_{k+1}(M)\to F_r(M), $r<k+1,
fiber homotopically trivial? The answer to this question for the special cases when M is a sphere or euclidean space is given in [4]. The key to the solution of the problem for compact manifolds M is the study of an associated question for the punctured manifold M - q, where q is a point of M. The fact that M - q admits a nonzero vector field plays a crucial role. Also required are investigations into the Lie algebra
with special attention to the punctured case
This includes the so-called Yang-Baxter equations in homotopy, taking into account the homotopy group elements of M itself as well as the classical braid elements.
item Asymptotical Multiplicity and Some Reversed Variational Inequalities
A. Marino and D. Mugnai
ABSTRACT. We are concerned with multiplicity results for solutions of some reversed variational inequalities, in which the inequality is opposite with respect to the classical inequalities introduced by Lions and Stampacchia. The inequalities we study arise from a family (P_\omega) of elliptic problems of the fourth order when \omega tends to \infty. We use two basic tools: the \nabla-theorems and a theorem about the multiplicity of ``asymptotically critical'' points. In the last section some open problems are listed.
item Perturbing Fully Nonlinear Second Order Elliptic Equations
Ph. Delanoe
ABSTRACT. We present two types of perturbations with reverse effects on some scalar fully nonlinear second order elliptic differential operators: on the other hand, first order perturbations which destroy the global solvability of the Dirichlet problem, in smooth bounded domains of Rn; on the other hand, an integral perturbation which restore the local solvability, on compact connected manifolds without boundary.
item Application of Topological Technology to Construction of a Perturbation System for a Strongly Nonlinear Equation
J.-H. He
ABSTRACT. The homotopy perturbation method proposed by the present author is further improved in this paper, which is proved to be effective and convenient to solving nonlinear equations.
item On Representation Formulas for Hamilton Jacobi's Equations Related to Calculus of Variations Problems
S. Plaskacz and M. Quincampoix
ABSTRACT. In this paper, existence and uniqueness of generalized solutions of some first order Hamilton Jacobi equations are proved. This task is accomplished by showing that the value function for a certain problem of the calculus of variations is the unique solution of the PDE. This can be viewed as a representation formula of the solution.
item Differential Inclusions with Constraints in Banach Spaces
A. Cwiszewski
ABSTRACT. The paper provides topological characterization for solution sets of differential inclusions with (not necessarily smooth) functional constraints in Banach spaces. The corresponding compactness and tangency conditions for the right hand-side are expressed in terms of the measure of noncompactness and the Clarke generalized gradient, respectively. The consequences of the obtained result generalize the known theorems about the structure of viable solution set for differential inclusions.
item An Existence Result for a Class of Quasilinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems with Jumping Nonlinearities
K. Perera
ABSTRACT. We establish an existence result for a class of quasilinear elliptic boundary value problems with jumping nonlinearities using variational arguments. First we calculate certain homotopy groups of sublevel sets of the asymptotic part of the variational functional. Then we use these groups to show that the full functional admits a linking geometry and hence a min-max critical point.
item Hardy-Sobolev Inequalities with Remainder Terms
V. Radulescu, D. Smets and M. Willem
ABSTRACT. We prove two Hardy-Sobolev type inequalities in D1,2(RN), resp. in H^1_0(\Omega), where \Omega is a bounded domain in RN, N >= 3. The framework involves the singular potential |x|-a, with a in (0,1). Our paper extends previous results established by Bianchi and Egnell ([2]), resp. by Brezis and Lieb ([3]), corresponding to the case a = 0.
item Characterization of the Limit of Some Higher Dimensional Thin Domain Problems
T. Elsken and M. Prizzi
ABSTRACT. A reaction-diffusion equation on a family of three dimensional thin domains, collapsing onto a two dimensional subspace, is considered. In \cite{\rfa pr..} it was proved that, as the thickness of the domains tends to zero, the solutions of the equations converge in a strong sense to the solutions of an abstract semilinear parabolic equation living in a closed subspace of H1. Also, existence and upper semicontinuity of the attractors was proved. In this work, for a specific class of domains, the limit problem is completely characterized as a system of two-dimensional reaction-diffusion equations, coupled by mean of compatibility and balance boundary conditions.
item The Existence of Minimizers of the Action Functional without Convexity Assumption
A. Orpel
ABSTRACT. We shall prove the existence of minimizers of the following functional
without convexity assumption. As a consequence of this result and the duality described in [10] we derive the existence of solutions for the Dirichlet problem for a certain differential inclusion being a generalization of the Euler-Lagrange equation of the functional  f.

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